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Annual General

Your chance to have your voice heard! April 2nd - 5:30pm 

Our Annual General Meeting will be held as a fully virtual meeting this year. This way, you can join from where ever is most comfortable for you. We will be using Teams as the platform of choice.
Also, if you register, attend, and stay until completion you'll be entered to win 1 of 2 $50 Amazon Gift Cards

Got questions? Feel free to reach out to NCSAC President Dipal Patel 

Previous Meeting
Minutes - April 2022

This will walk you through everything that was talked about, voted on, and covered at the last AGM! These will also be voted and approved. 

The Tentative Agenda

This will show you the flow of the meeting so you can follow along with what's going on (and will tell you what conversations we'll be having!)

By-Law Recomendations

The NCSAC Board has some recommended changes to their bylaws. Give them a review! 

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